Comment on Framke-Casselman-Meek Funeral - Hiawatha, KS
written by:
Bframk E.
04/24/2011 9:42PM
Hello Dianna,
I randomly came across this post while googling, and I noticed your comment. My dad used to own this funeral home, Steve Framke, and has since sold it and moved away. Your best chance for getting an obituary would be to contact the Hiawatha Daily World, in Hiawatha, KS. I know the Morrill Free Public Library in the same town keeps records of all the newspaper issues too. Or maybe, the current owner of that funeral, which has changed its name to Chapel Oaks, and is under different management. But, there could be a few people familiar with the person you're referring to.
Best of luck,
Comment on Framke-Casselman-Meek Funeral - Hiawatha, KS
written by:
Dianna B.
04/20/2011 10:25PM
Could you please e-mail me a copy of the obituary of Frank Powell, DOD: Jan. 2, 1988.
He lived not far from us, north of Perry, MO. When I was young I would go to his shop, with my dad, and he would let me play with ball bearings. Long story, but I enjoyed it. My dad said Frankie was the smartest man he had ever met.
Thanks for your time.
Sincerely, Dianna