Comment on Mahood Funeral Home Inc - Brooklyn, NY
written by:
Laverne R.
01/04/2012 11:12PM
To Whom it May Concern:
Your support and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
My mother Rosalie Edwards passed away 2/2/1980 services were provided by Mahood Funeral Home on 2/8/1980 I was only 17 years old.
My immedate family didn't have life insurance to bury my mom we had extended family members pay for her funeral expenses.
30 years later I would like to pay them for their generousity but I don't know who paid her funeral expenses. I asked but no one is really sure can you provide any information to help me repay my families debt.
I would pay for any documentation you may have available. You can email me at the above, text or call me at (305) 910-9902.