Comment on Hooker'S Funeral Home - Clarksville, TN
written by:
Torie A.
04/26/2011 10:11PM
My family has counted on Hooker's Funeral Home for decades. We have always been completely satisfied and grateful for Mr. Hooker for his kindness. BUT, I was greatly disappointed with the wake and the recent funeral of a family member. Asking for kleenex, a family member was told there was none??? In a funeral home there should be an abundance of kleenex. The funeral which was to start at 1pm was started 15 or 20 minutes early without direction of the family, they seemed like they were rushing us inside before the funeral started and rushing us out of there. At the funeal, a family member was passing out fans. I could go on and on with all the minor problems this is only few, but needless to say, the current conductor of the funeral home has lowered the bar for professionalism and effeciency in funeral conduction. I find this to be unacceptable to say the least.