Comment on Hamre Funeral Home - Lodi, WI
written by:
Judy B.
09/16/2013 1:23PM
I was so sorry to hear of the passing of one of the most kindest, and gentle men I've ever known. How fortunate it was to have known him and how lucky for his family to have had him. I loved seeing him go scooting by in his little ice truck and marveled at his steady service to his customers well into his 80's.
He was a friend from the start of our Lodi Area Food Pantry, and when we began this community service almost 30 years ago, there were many who said "we don't need anything like that in in this town". He was one of the first if not the first of our donors to get us up and running, and he had been supportive and encouraging ever since.
His Faith was as genuine as he was, and I know he now rests in peace.
Blessings to the family he loved so very much,